Chi Kung

Chi Kung

John Ding (San Hey) Chi Kung set 1 – standing meditation.

Postures 1 – 8. To cultivate and harness Chi energy. Still the mind, sinking chi down and centralising to the lower Dan Tien (centre). Just start with one minute per posture and increase by 30secs as you are able to manage. Master Ding (free) Q-Timer on Android or iPhone is useful for timing postures.

Chi Kung 1 Positions

Position 1 – (Wu chi) Feet shoulder width with palms on outside of thighs, elbows rounded out.

Position 2 – scooping up hands close to body up to chest while extending hands outwards to height of mouth (like holding a large a ball to your chest).

Position 3 dropping hands down in front pivoting at elbow first, then arms and thumbs forward.

Position 4 – bring elbows out to sides, fists to hips and turn thumbs up raising hands up to head height and turning palms outwards

Position 5 – dropping hands palms down in front pivoting at elbow

Position 6 – bring elbows out to sides, fists to hips and turn thumbs up raising hands up and outwards to chest height. Turn thumbs back and open palms slightly outwards (like a goal keeper posture)

Position 7 – lower arms horizontally to sides (as if resting on arms of chair)

Position 8 – hands in to Dan Tien centre (left over right hand cupped– male / right over left hand cupped– female)


For Further Resources:

6-week Introductory Tai Chi Course

Follow-on Introductory Tai Chi Course-2

Foundation Tai Chi form

Yang Style Long Form

Principles and Concepts

Master Ding Tai Chi Online  Official Master Ding sample videos and online tutorials